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1-26-14-25's Reward Points: 87

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Imagine a world without Muslims, just imagine.
1 Added Argument Do women and men have an inverse "like appeal" as they become more successful?
1 Added Argument Non-vegan foods should be banned worldwide.
10 Added Argument Should we illegalise gay marrige
10 Added Argument Should we illegalise gay marrige
5 Created Debate Should we illegalise gay marrige
1 Added Argument If Homosexuality Is A Choice, Everyone Should Try A Homosexual Act At Least Once.
1 Added Argument Are heterosexual homophobes just scared their own child...
1 Added Argument Is being gay and expressing yourself as a homosexual really a big deal in today's society?
2 Added Argument People are coming out to be...
-1 Downvoted Argument People are coming out to be...
-1 Downvoted Argument People are coming out to be...
1 Added Argument Imagine a world without Muslims, just imagine.
1 Added Argument It is immoral for humans to raise bees and steal their honey.
1 Added Argument If you had the option to get away with a robbery, would you do it?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Who would you choose to live your life for?
1 Added Argument Music You like???
4 Added Argument If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
5 Created Debate Should we or should we not have an awards system?
1 Added Argument Islamic State Sells Yazidi Slaves
1 Added Argument Should we or should we not increase debate title space
1 Added Argument Is the Islamic State good but portrayed bad by Western propaganda?

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