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JustIgnoreMe's Reward Points: 4290

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument With their re-election in doubt, the right wing will ABANDON Trump with abandon..
-1 Downvoted Argument With their re-election in doubt, the right wing will ABANDON Trump with abandon..
1 Added Argument Left wing social media mass suspends Conservatives and Donald Trump
-1 Downvoted Argument 9/11 Was The Day I Mourned The Death Of Common Sense
10 Added Argument 9/11 Untruths
1 Added Argument The left is claiming its winning. So what is this?
5 Created Debate 9/11 Untruths
2 Added Argument The left is claiming its winning. So what is this?
1 Added Argument When Trump says the virus will magically disappear, does he gain support or lose it?
0 Added Argument Trump got written briefing in February on possible Russian bounties, officials say
1 Added Argument Twitter Restricts Account of Michael Flynn’s Lawyer Sidney Powell
1 Added Argument 1 person fatally shot at BLM Breonna Taylor protest in Kentucky by a leftist
2 Added Argument Rolling Stones warn Trump not to use their songs - or face legal action
2 Added Argument Should the Dems run Obama as a vice president?
1 Added Argument Looks like Trump and his minions are gonna be SWEPT away
1 Added Argument Is Jesus a symbol of white supremacy?
4 Added Argument Should the US decriminalize all drugs?
5 Created Debate Should the US decriminalize all drugs?
3 Added Argument GOP aghast as Trump's polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric
-1 Downvoted Argument Major companies are not advertising because the left will attempt to destroy them
2 Added Argument Major companies are not advertising because the left will attempt to destroy them
1 Added Argument GOP aghast as Trump's polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric
2 Added Argument Are you for the NWO post Coronavirus or against the NWO post Coronavirus
2 Added Argument Do you still NOT see what it looks like when the president doesn't know what his job is?

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