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NightHawk2's Reward Points: 81

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate The Democrats opened the doors to the capitol intentionally letting mob inside
2 Added Argument Does Biden, ''THE IMBECILE'' represent the mentality of the American people?
1 Created Debate Do we really need the FBI?
0 Added Argument Why Do those who follow the Religion of Atheism Refuse Facts, Evidence, Science & Truth?
1 Created Debate In baby injury settlement should parents get money or the baby as an adult
1 Added Argument Do we have the ability to turn the lights off in Moscow? If not, WHY not?
1 Created Debate Imagine griping about Trump, then seeing Biden's America
1 Added Argument Let's examine Excon for a few moments
1 Added Argument Is CNN trying to save you from Joe Rogan or jealous his ratings are higher
1 Added Argument Does Pelosi have the right to tell U.S, athletes to keep their mouths shut.
3 Created Debate Is Trump an evil dictator?
1 Created Debate Think of who benefits from what the left is doing.

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