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Zander's Reward Points: 50

Points When What Where
1 High Rated Argument Pirates vs Ninjas
1 Added Argument what is the best way to get to sleep
1 Added Argument Why Christianity is self-contradicting.
1 Added Argument Downvoting without out giving reason
4 Created Debate Downvoting without out giving reason
2 Added Argument GOD vs SCIENCE
-1 Downvoted Argument GOD vs SCIENCE
0 Added Argument Should practicing Jews,christians and muslims be separated from the rest of the human race
1 Added Argument If God is our Father, musn't Satan be our Brother?
1 Added Argument If God is our Father, musn't Satan be our Brother?
2 Added Argument What are your religious beliefs and why?
1 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Is there proof that there is no God?
2 Added Argument War is good.
1 Added Argument would it be good if we all live forever?
1 Added Argument Is there proof that there is no God?
5 Created Debate Do elephants have souls
1 Added Argument Should The United States Begin Colonizing Space?
-1 Downvoted Argument Abortion
2 Added Argument Evolution
1 Added Argument Religion- A Slave Mentality
1 Added Argument Is the confederate flag racist? or is it heritage?
2 Added Argument Is the confederate flag racist? or is it heritage?
-1 Downvoted Argument Obama

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